Feb 2, 2014

january miscellaneous

a few of my favorite, un-blogged photos from the month of January


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Abigail! Did you take all of these pictures? Whoever took them has genuine talent as a photographer. My father was a lifelong shutterbug. He loved to take pictures of nature (the sky, creeks and streams, rock formations, trees, closeups of tree bark, fungus, mushrooms, flowers, bugs, lizards, toads, etc.) He also loved to experiment with light and shadow and do tricks with proportion. Some of your compositions remind me of his. I appreciate the ones that capture the magic of shadow shapes and forms. I like your cute Cowgirls shirt and it's plain to see that Daisy loves the camera as much as the camera loves her. Daisy gets my vote as Miss Photogenic! :)

- abigail - said...

Hello there! Thanks, and yes these are mine. Daisy is good in pictures because she is not very energetic, though I think sometimes she wonders why I keep sticking a big black box in her face!

get carried away said...

Wonderful photos! And your dog is so cute!

Danielle said...

KANSAS! I knew it!!! I'm Kansas born and raised and NOTHING beats those wide open fields!!! So glad I stumbled over your blog today! Made my day to see some of home!

his little lady said...

The natural light! So beautiful!!
xo TJ


Witchcrafted Life said...

The light and colours of the sky in many of these images is flat out breathtaking. What a beautiful part of the world you live in.

♥ Jessica


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