-- UPDATE: couldn't stop making sky pictures so The Sunset Project continues. --
Please visit INSTAGRAM.COM/THE_SUNSET_PROJECT to see the continuing progress.
And please, try it yourself sometime :)

THE SUNSET PROJECT // a year of sunsets from ThatBanjoGirl on Vimeo.
A journal of the evening skies, February 1, 2014 - Jan 31, 2015.

Documenting the sunsets and texture of clouds many people miss was so rewarding. For one year, i paused conversations, stepped out of buildings or took a walk to take a picture of the western sky. I stood in open fields, roadsides, parking lots and my backyard. Sometimes it was cold or hot, cloudy or raining. Sometimes i got up from dinner or stepped out of work.
It was always rewarding, stepping away from life into the fresh air and open Kansas sky. I've learned to appreciate more the little blessings of life, and to slow down.
I'd like to thank various members of my family for coming along as company on many evening walks, bike rides and drives (and making sure we were out of walmart and back on the interstate to get a better picture) once in a while :).

Filming, editing and music by myself.


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