Jan 23, 2014

queen of the bale

Pictures from a morning walk out on the farm that turned into an impromptu photo shoot.

"I am Daisy and I am queen"

ah, the wind

Looking west while scooching under an electric fence. Daisy was able to walk under. Yes, there are some perks to being petite.
    With these pictures (especially the previous two), I tried to capture the wide, beautiful emptiness of western Kansas.  Granted, not all of Kansas is like this, and neither is all of the western part of the state.  (It's just a bit drier here so the watersheds aren't as deep, and so the hills aren't as high)
So just look at the above picture and imagine turning in a circle and that's all you see, save a few cows  and a few trees on the horizon where the house is.  That's how it is there.  The High Plains of North America are just that. 
Really, its no wonder the wind blows so hard and the Dust Bowl occurred. 
 I really love that sky, though I have to be careful when taking photos because the sky is so big and the ground is just a strip, my subject turns into an unintended silhouette, even in the day.

When walking home, Daisy started shivering and my little sister held her out of pity.  It is so, so easy to spoil a little dog.

Until next time, so long.


Witchcrafted Life said...

It should be stated, for the record, that these photos are all exceedingly adorable! Oh my gosh!!! :) Never in a million years could we get out girl (Annie) to pose atop a bale like that, she'd be trying to chew the whole thing to pieces like the world's biggest dog toy! :)

Big hugs & many thanks for all of your wonderful blog comments,
♥ Jessica

Lucy in the Sky said...

Isn't your sweet little pup the star? How brave she is!
You've taken some really nice photographs. It must be so incredible to see land and sky meet as they do in your pictures. I live in a giant caldera by the ocean, so there is nearly no such thing as beautiful flat landscapes like that! What a nice place for a walk.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Abigail! Thank you once again for deciding to join the fun over at Shady Dell Music & Memories. As Lucy in the Sky will tell you, you can always count on a warm, friendly welcome when you visit me there.

You have an exciting new blog! I am delighted to see that you are a vintager and wholeheartedly agree with your inclination to follow your dreams and passions. You have an excellent camera and a good eye for photography. I am already in love with your Daisy, having lost my dog a few months ago at the age of 14. I miss her so very much! Coincidentally, my dog Toto was named after Dorothy Gale's dog in The Wizard of Oz which, as you know, was set in Kansas.

I look forward to all you have in store for us here on your fine blog, Abigail, and to building a great friendship with you!

Ana Mascara said...

Awwwww that is one adorable puppy!!!! Poor her, when my dog is shivering I usually put a blanket on him and he gets really happy :D

Love from Canada

Unknown said...

such gorgeous photos of a dog who is clearly loved. I miss my dog, they are such a beautiful thing to have in your life, so nice to see the love someone else shares with theirs. Great post, thanks for sharing <3

Selma said...

Thats a cute dog!

How about following?



Unknown said...

awww. such a cutie


Mica said...

That is such a cute puppy, and lovely photos! :)

I remember when I was younger we would walk up to the bales in a field near my grandma's house, but we could never get up on top as we were too small. I'd love to sit on top of one one day, haha! :)

Away From Blue

Anonymous said...

Such an incredibly cute dog!

Ray | Obey Ray

Lindsey Dixon said...

I have a little dog so I understand completely - it is definitely easy to spoil them!

Halfway Heroine

Frank Vinyl said...

oh my gosh, these photos are so cute! that doggie reminds me of mine.


get carried away said...

wonderful photos! so cute!
following you, too!
happy day!



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