May 14, 2015


free from ThatBanjoGirl on Vimeo.
impromptu, crazy schedule, crazy driving, golden hour, dave alvin, king of california, every night about this time, he sings along, empty fields, road grater, college kids, fire sky, winding path, wandering away, it's dark now, loud music to pizza, basketball and tinny voices, tangled hair, warm skin, cold nose, cold hands, windy.
coronado heights, winter15

Sweeter Gets the Journey


Carly said...

When I imagine you, I think of a girl radiating the softest light and spinning around just to take in the energy of the world every couple minutes. :) The video was beautiful and I'm loving the editing on the photos.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Abigail! Look at sweet little Daisy, always curious, always there as your friend and companion, always eager to give you affection and unconditional love. Yes, it's true. We are all lost at times in the midst of our own journeys. We are broken, screwed up, beaten down and run through the emotional wringer by the stuff of life, but we are resilient creatures. We learn from painful experiences and we grow.

I appreciated your video, your pictures and your candid words.

Please hug dear Daisy and have a safe and happy weekend, Abigail!

Lyssa said...

I've been away from the blogging space for a while, preferring the micro-blogging world of Instagram, but I've been thinking of you and praying for you, friend. Totally understand the feeling of "stuck" and feeling like the past days were better than the present! Hope you find your way.

Han said...

The video was so sweet. It gave me summer nostalgia. Those last shots had me drooling.

Adelaide Thompson said...

"wanting to go back, because it was so good." These words ring so true. That video was so wonderful, and it reminds me of so many memories! Thank you. ♥

Jessica Cangiano said...

I can fully relate to what you mean about the push and pull of feeling both like you're eagerly leaping forward, and yet somewhat stuck, turning wheels that generate smoke, but don't actually venture down the lane. I've really, really been feeling like that lately on a lot of fronts and am trying to open my heart and mind to all kinds of change, both those I know I want to make and those that are out there, just waiting for me to discover and enrich my life with them.

Here's to the hope that we'll both soon take flight (in the ways that we want/need) with the winds of change beneath our wings.

♥ Jessica

Hannah Batchelder said...

You know, I get that way about letters. At one point, I don't know what to say. I have to push myself to get pen to paper, and have no real want to write one. But then I'll get in a groove with my letter writing and no one can stop me. I'm in a zone that no one can penetrate and, boy, does it feel good! I feel like I'm having a real conversation with a best friend, I'm imagining the reply I'll get and answer questions as I write, I feel close to the person I write to. Life can be so all-or-nothing sometimes. I feel like doing everything, or I feel so stuck I give up. Anyways, you made a great post, and good job on your video. :) The castle was awesome!!! Hope you have a blessed summer!

Avy said...

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose. Or so they say.


Meg Kernaghan said...

Abigail! That video is so good! I love seeing your moving image :)

Moriah Morrison said...

"but wow the Lord never fails." Just, yes. I love this so much.

Samantha Heather said...

Such beautiful words! I couldn't help but get lost within them

Abigail said...

as have i, friend, been more into the micro-blogging AND thinking of YOU. glad you've been feeling better, here's to a wonderful spring :)

Abigail said...

ah, dear Carly, your sweet words have been wandering around and making themselves comfortable in the corners of my brain, allowing me to think and ponder on them. how original and kind of you to say!


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