Oct 9, 2014

on the road (again)

beginning last week
and on through this month and into next
every weekend we'll be on the road.
this is much how july and august was
but september had a few free weekends.

i've heard folks say how entertainment 
and being on the road is a hard life.
but really, anything is hard
if you let it be.
i look at it as adventuring to new and exciting places.
it is tiring.
but it's a good kind of tired.
a tired because you've had fun.
and i get back home to the dog and the schoolwork 
fighting off sleep and laboring through the lessons.
but as the week progresses on
the excitement grows.
soon its the weekend and off i go.
into the flurry of anticipation
quiet miles in the van
(sometimes before dawn)
sound checks and instruments into their cases
out, and then in again (and again)
lugging them up and down and around
more quiet miles.

another awesome weekend starts.
daisy gets to come along.
i'll be armed with my puppy dog
a new vintage camera
and a bag the color of ripe pumpkins.


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Abigail! I get a vicarious thrill when you describe your life as a weekend rover, traveling here, there and everywhere, and observe that what you experience at the end of it all is a good kind of tired. That's a great mindset!

I love the first picture of you posing in front of your maps. As I write this I have my USA map on the wall in front of me. I gaze at it often and dream. As I scroll down and examine this new batch of pictures I must again state that you are a true artist with the camera, an expert in imaginative composition. The highway overpass, the utility post and rooftop, Daisy's profile, the closeup of the camera and the green tinted cars on highway are all especially pleasing. The last picture, the experimental, long exposure shot of city lights at night, is another winner. All of these images are pleasing to the eye and to the soul.

Happy trails to you and Daisy this weekend, dear friend Abigail!

Bethany Carson said...

Enjoyed the photos! The old camera looks pretty neat; the photos of you with it remind me of the 1960s!

Alyssa said...

Very cool that you're living the musician's life! I haven't played on tour since my daughter was born, but I loved those times : ) Any information as to where we can find your music/recordings/performances, or are you trying to stay incognito here?

Otto Mann said...

Cool. You're living in KS, too. And sweeter gits the journey, you say? Amen. Death is an awww.some thing if you know where you're going, girl. Lookit this...

Precisely why I had my epiphany: wanna see a perfectly cognizant, fully-spectacular, Son-ripened-Heaven?? … yet, I’m not sure if we're on the same page if you saw what I saw. Greetings, earthling. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s Big-Bang’s gonna be like: meet this advanced, bombastic, ex-mortal Upstairs for the most extra-groovy-paradox, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy-Reality-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, robust-N-risqué-passion you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-smmmokin’-hot-deal. Cya soon…


Abigail said...

mostly, yes. :)

Abigail said...

oh wow, thank you!

Abigail said...

aw, thanks. i'm so glad you enjoy them. happy trails!

Seanna Acey said...

I remember using film cameras, they've become almost obsolete since the day digital cameras became crazy popular. Love seeing someone else use them! :)


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