Nov 30, 2014


i've always thought of fall as delicate.
here today
gone tomorrow.
the colors
the leaves
the pleasant weather.

around here
picturesque autumn only lasts a few days.
before that it's summer.
after that 
it's bare trees and winter.

so fall is gone
and winter is here.
some find this crazy;
but i really love winter.
there is something about the cold air...
the bare trees...
the frost and monotone colors...
and that's not even half of it.

but i'm already tiring of the sounds of winter complaining.
why do so many hate this beautiful time?
or perhaps
I am the strange one, as i said.
but really;
being able to find lovely in the uncomfortable...
i wish that wasn't so rare.

Sunday, November 23, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Saturday. November 29, 2014


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Abigail! You're right. From now through March you'll hear lots of people complaining about the cold air, bare trees, bleak landscape, ice and snow. You are different. You don't mind being tested and challenged by winter. You actually look forward to it. When winter comes you appreciate the unique kind of beauty it has to offer and you celebrate it. The world could use more "strange ones" like you, dear girl.

I am astonished by the vivid colors in last week's sunsets. Friday's makes me think that a gust of wind picked up a huge mass of cotton candy from a carnival vendor's stand and your camera captured it as it floated across the sky. They're all magnificent pictures and such a pleasure to view. Thank you dear friend Abigail. You and Daisy have a safe and happy week ahead. God bless!

Faye Caroline said...

These are beautiful, Tuesday and Thursday almost look like the trees are on fire.
I really love winter too, I think the grey skies and bare branches are beautiful, and I love the feeling of being cosy indoors with frost on the windows. I love seeing the seasons pass in your photos, it's such a different landscape to my own it's fascinating.

Jessica Cangiano said...

Far from "crazy", I too "get" the inherent beauty of winter and its powerfully appealing lull of serenity and inspiration. I almost always find I have more energy and that my mind is sharper during the colder half of the year, which only helps me look forward and appreciate it all the more.

These skies are stunning. Friday's in particular swept my breath away.

Big hugs & happy start of December wishes,
♥ Jessica

Lyssa said...

I love winter too! Besides autumn, it is my second favorite season. We woke up in St. Louis to a layer of ice and snow, and I'm probably the only person who is happy about it ; ) It's always good to see your beautiful sunset pictures! I'm finally catching back up to reading blogs after a month of plugging away at my novel, so I'm happy to see you here again!

Lux @ Bared My Soul said...

I love how the colors of the sunset blend. Amazing!

Carly (Zauberbear) said...

WHAT THESE LOOKS LIKE WILDFIRES. <3 Holy moly I love all of them, I can't believe you witnessed all these sunsets one after another, you lucky duck!

Toi said...

I always feel like the only person in the world who loves snow. There's just something about snow that makes me so happy. It's so soft and peaceful. The world hushes. The stillness is overwhelming and beautiful.
I struggle with the rest of winter so I have to dig deep to find the positive. The cold here in Kansas is a bit brutal at times as you know. But, I try so hard to find the good in winter. One of the biggest positives is the sunsets as you have so beautifully captured. I go to work REALLY early so I get to also see the sunrise and those seem extra spectacular in the coldest months. I think it's God's way of telling me to hang on until Spring!

Sarah said...

I've always been a big fan of winter too! I especially love the snow, although we don't get a whole lot where I live. I feel like I belong farther north!

MegBird said...

These sunsets are amazing! I've only recently gained an appreciate for winter, and colors like these are one of the main reasons!

Abigail said...

ah, glad to find another winter-loving friend! you describe what you love about it so well.

Abigail said...

aw, snow! no fair! haha.

Abigail said...

haha, i know right? but honestly, the days just blend together and i forget what yesterday's was, or if i even photographed it. but when i lay them out here, yeah, it's cool. :)

Abigail said...

i suppose that snow/ice/bitter cold probably isn't as much fun when you have to get up and drive in it. but hey, sunrises are a plus!! love your positive outlook.


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