Aug 25, 2014


"Clouds come floating into my life,
no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky." -Tagore

i didn't write my last post so people could pity me,
i just had to get it out of my system. stew over it a bit.
it wasn't a horrible thing in the first place and it's getting better.
it happens to everyone and worse things have happened before.
  i just wanted to clear that up.
i truly believe that with the Lord's help,
focusing on the good things in life
(learning to take the clouds as the come)
is much, much easier.
and it adds to us.   it helps us relate to others. it makes us who we are.
i mean, just look at the pictures...
a blank sky is pretty,
but mostly the same depending on what trees or power lines i'm behind.
it's the clouds and colors of them that make a sunset unique and beautiful.
don't you think?

Sunday, August 17, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014


Shady Del Knight said...

That's a great way to think about it, dear Abigail. Perfectly sunny days are fine but a few clouds scattered here and there add character to the sky as seen in five of these sunsets. In a similar manner, negotiating life's storms builds character and makes us stronger. "Nothing is as good or as bad as we think it is," I was taught. Take the bad with the good and take pride in surviving and thriving no matter what comes your way.

Faye Caroline said...

I agree, clouds really make a sunset I think, I love how they turn different colours or when the sun's rays shine through or around them. I really love power lines in photos too, the way they direct the eye into the distance of the photograph. I'm glad you're feeling better, you're right in that there's nothing wrong with letting off steam :)

Jessica Cangiano said...

Ahhh, what marvelously beautiful skies and photos. The composition of the last one in particular, with the sun nearly in the center of the photo really jumps out at me. A spat of colder, rainy days here last week almost threatened to do away with our lovely late August sunsets, but thankfully the sun is smiling on us again and most nights have had at least a touch of colour to the heavens. Hopefully we'll have a fairly dry fall and can continue to see nature's paint brush at work in the skies for a few weeks longer.

Big hugs,

♥ Jessica

Bethany Carson said...

I especially love the last photo!

Louise said...

A good sunset really does fix everything. Beautiful shots! Love your blog - I've nominated
you for a Liebster award! Check out the details on my blog here:

Sarah said...

It always helps to get things off your chest instead of keeping them inside to stew! I like the second photo, it looks like cotton candy!

Tessie Jayne said...

The pastel pink/blue colors of the 18th and 20th shots are so pretty!


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