Apr 5, 2014

The Sunset Project - Week 9

there is no picture for Thursday

my excuse is this;
it was raining
i was busy
i got sidetracked

sorry excuses, i know

when i remembered on Friday morning,
for i moment, i physically drooped with severe disappointment

i thrive on consistency
i don't mind acting spontaneously
but there are things in my crazy life
(and this crazy world)
that keep me grounded
that remind me that;
 rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off is no way to live
you spend a couple days or years like that and what is there to show for it?
i mean really show for it.
 there is so much more to life

so anyway
the point of that little rabbit trail was this
yes, this is important to me
yes, i didn't take a picture of the western cloud cover on Thursday
yes, i was a little disappointed i let busyness get to me
but it was raining
i didn't miss anything spectacular
I'm not going to be arrested because of it
nobody died because i didn't take a picture of  a drab sky

i've been learning to just let things go
focus on what really matters

i didn't get a picture

and i'm okay with that  :)

March 30, 2014

March 31, 2014

April 1, 2014

April 2, 2014
(cloud cover)

April 3, 2014
(No picture)
April 4, 2014

April 5, 2014


Shady Del Knight said...

You have the right attitude about it, dear Abigail. There's no use beating yourself up because you missed taking a picture one of the days. Just let it go and allow us to appreciate the magnificent shots you did take. I was worried about you and Daisy when I saw reports of the tornado outbreak. It's good to know you're okay. In the sunset captured on Friday, April 4, I see Daisy raised up on her hind legs begging for a treat. It's the fluffy white cloud formation on the left side of the picture. Can you can see your little rascal in that cloud?

I hope you're in the midst of a great weekend, dear friend Abigail. Good night and have a happy Sunday!

Tasnum said...

aw don't be hard on yourself! but glad you're going about it the right way, these photos are wonderful <3


abbey deer said...

loved poking around your blog here! what a great idea for a project! they are all beautiful shots! maybe for the future, if you miss a sunset, make yourself get up to catch the sunrise! great job all around i really love it!

Leah Symonne said...

Loved this. i love how you format your posts!

x leah symonne x


Jessica said...

I adore the last one very much. That line of cloud streaking across the sky is stunning! Thanks for sharing. I completely understand about consistency. I, like you, always get down in the dumps when I don't carry through my original daily plans. Speaking of which, I better go do just that!


The eldest sister and singer

Jessica Cangiano said...

As a fellow creature of habit, I can understand where you'r coming from immensely well. I've never been what I'd dub a "control freak", but I do like to have order, structure and be in control of my day as best as I can, but when I became chronically ill (nearly 12 years ago now), that all went out the window at the speed of light and has largely remained "out" ever since. I've learned that sometimes one just has to roll with the punches and remind themselves that they're doing the best that they possibly can. It's okay to miss a photo, a (planned for) blog post, an event, a holiday, anything sometimes, especially if there are forces beyond our control at work or we simply need a breather.

♥ Jessica

Erin C said...

Tuesday is plenty breathtaking enough to make up for (the absent) Thursday, dear girl-- I meant look at that! *gasp* Such beauty you've captured. I do understand the need for structure and consistency (I probably need more of it) but I hope you will be gentle with yourself and let the feeling of these shots be more valuable than your oversight. :)

gabusiek said...

Amazing project :) Very beautiful photos ;)

I follow you beautiful blog. I hope you will follow me back and I will wait for you in my blog www.gabusiek.blogspot.com

Mary Stackhouse said...

Tuesday's is my fave! Don't be hard on yourself for missing a day : ) I can be hard on myself sometimes so I should follow my own advice, ha! Great work. Look forward to seeing more. xx, Mary

Sakuranko said...

Oh very amazing blog, my fav is Wednesday April 2, 2014, Now I´m following you in GFc (35) and Bloglovin´ (#19)
I hope your follow me back in both!

Abigail M. said...

Thank you. We actually have not had any tornado warnings yet this year. Technically, our area is still in a drought and we barely got a sprinkle of rain, though some distant thunder did make the little one a bit nervous.
I could make out a little Daisy in April 4. Over the years when we have puffy white clouds like that, it is not uncommon to see 'her' floating in the sky , hehe.
have a good week

Abigail M. said...

aw, thanks so much.
i agree, the other days definitely made up for the little i missed. I'm so very glad you enjoy and are excited in the beauty in the sunsets :)

Abigail M. said...

Way to go, Michelle! Your positivity is refreshing and encouraging, especially in todays world. thank you :)

Sarah said...

I think it's wonder you've had the dedication to keep this up! I would have missed a dozen by now. I love these photos and don't let that missed day get you down! :)

Mauriene said...

Oh this is such an amazing project, might try it sometime! I love the idea of capturing one of the most beautiful times of the day. Don't worry about missing a day of your week. I, for one, think it says more about how your week went.

Light & love,


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