"What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass
and loses itself in the sunset."
-Crowfoot (Blackfoot Indian warrior)
i do not want to spend my life;
sitting in front of a computer
or behind a camera
while the world flashes by
doing things specifically for this blog
just because some article told me i need to post 3 or more times a week,
make tutorials others can pin to pinterest,
have one specific theme to my blog,
be on facebook,
promote myself/advertise,
and so on
(not that those things are necessary wrong)
i did not start a blog to make money
i did not start a blog to get famous
i did not start a blog to be tied down to it
i do not quene posts
i do not have a posting schedule,
a post goal i try to meet
i do not make myself post
if i do not feel like i have anything to say;
then i don't
if i do;
i may post a few days in a row
i do enjoy blogging
but it is not my life
it concerns me a bit when i see other bloggers
post, post, post
wear themselves out
give up for a while
only when they return;
apologize profusely
(as though all we did was worry about them all night)
while i'm thinking;
its their blog, they can post whenever
i'm going out of town soon
my next sunset post might be a little later than normal
but do not worry... i won't.
i'll be off immersing myself in God's wonderful creation
soaking up every moment with family and friends
having new adventures
enjoying life
I was nodding my head to the point of it threatening to roll clean off (okay, not really, but you get the idea ;)) the entire way through this wisdom laden post. I love the web and my blog and consider both to be integral parts of my life, but they aren't my entire world, not by a long shoot, nor to I have any desire to be chained to my computer from sun up to sun down. The longer I blog and am heavily present online, in fact, the more I've come to value the importance (and healthiness) of ensure that one balances time spent in front of a monitor with time spent in front of as many other locations as possible, too.
♥ Jessica
Those are beautiful pics! Know what you mean about posting- I'm bad to do that ;)
beautiful photos! http://b54.in/9b1r
stunning photos & I love the project ideaaa
Have fun while you're out of town, "see" you when you get back :)
I have to say I think my favorite is the last one. Something about the clouds makes it looks so very dreamy.
I think it is important to set realistic expectations about blogging. Blogging should never be only about the money. Although, I don't mind if people make money from blogging. This is a very thoughtful post and I love the poetry at the beginning.
Bright and Shiny
I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip, Abigail. Though I love your sunset posts, you shouldn't have to feel pressure to do them--if you do, then that almost takes the enjoyment out of it. My favorite picture was the one for Wednesday, it's gorgeous!!
I really cannot agree more. I blog for the fun of it and because I have something to say. Not to get more readers or become famous. I don't think your blog needs a specific theme to be wonderful, I love it as it is. :) Enjoy your vaca.
Well said, Jessica. Your words ring true and add much to this post. Thank you
Thank you! i love them all very much, but i have to agree that Wednesday was also my favorite... Oh! and it was so much more brilliant in real life!
aw, thanks so much, Sean, thats very sweet of you :)
What beautiful sunsets! Loving the red :)
xo TJ
I agree! My favorite blogs are ones that do not have themes, but are a collection of the authors interests and thoughts. And as much as I love taking pictures, sometimes it's nice to leave my camera at home so I can just sit back and take in all the scenery while not worrying about if I've captured a good image or not. Have fun on your trip!!
Beautiful sunsets !!! This is such a great idea for a photography project ! Even a week of it looks so cool !
Victoria @ Alf & Emilio
Right on lady, I feel that way too. I refuse to be part of some blogging machine, in fact I'm not sure I really see myself as a "blogger" anyway-- just a girl who likes writing about and document interesting things in her life. :)
Btw, Wednesday is unreal!
Stunning sunset pictures <3 Yes I agree we cannot blog for the sake of it to be regular, needs to inspire and be at a convenient pace !
Do visit my blog & if you like, follow me on GFC, & Twitter, leave a comment & I'll surely follow back! Have a lovely day!
Feisty Fox Diaries
"if i do not feel like i have anything to say;then i don't
if i do;
i may post a few days in a row
i do enjoy blogging
but it is not my life
it concerns me a bit when i see other bloggers
post, post, post
wear themselves out
give up for a while
only when they return;
apologize profusely
(as though all we did was worry about them all night)
while i'm thinking;
its their blog, they can post whenever"
I think I'm in love with you. You said it perfectly. And this whole sunset project is just too great.
Why thank you, Meg. so very glad you connected with this. have i mentioned i'm in love with your 'about' tab?
anyway, i've just never been able to grasp the whole money-making commercial blog, though i don't mind reading them.
to me, a blog is something i write when i need to share, or get writing off my chest not something i need to feel obligated to 'update'.
same here! thats exactly the way that i feel. well said :)
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