Mar 9, 2014

The Sunset Project - Week 5

March 2, 2014

March 3, 2014

March 4, 2014

March 5, 2014

March 6, 2014

March 7, 2014

March 8, 2014

I know a lot of folks aren't happy when the time springs forward.
My family likes to complain that they loose an hour of sleep, which is true.

But i was looking forward to the time change because of this project.

The approximate time of sunset has been getting later into the 6:00pm hour, more specifically, this
 week it was around 6:30.

Now it's around 7:30... no more jumping up in the middle of supper to take a picture this coming week!

I'm hoping the time change will help me be more creative with the photos instead of just running upstairs to the highest window in our house, hence the tree tops and the electric poles on the right.

The time change won't only help the originality of the pictures, but the awkwardness when i'm taking them.

I've been essentially dropping whatever i'm doing to run upstairs or out of a public place to walk around
and take pictures of the western (and sometimes cloudy) sky.   :)

~ Have a wonderful week ~


Shady Del Knight said...

There's infinite variety in those cloud patterns, dear Abigail, and it's exciting to examine them. The large white cloud in the center of the March 6 picture resembles a fish or whale swimming from frame right to frame left. Do you see it?

I'm glad you have more time to set up your sunset compositions now that the clocks have been turned. Thank you for another fascinating pictorial essay, dear friend Abigail. I wish you and Daisy a safe and happy week!

get carried away said...

love your sunset project!
happy new week!


Abigail M. said...

Hi Shady,
Thank you so much for taking time and intrest in these photos. I'm so very glad you enjoy them.
Thanks also for bringing to my attention further pictures in my beloved sky. I just love finding shapes and designs in the clouds!
Daisy says hello and have a wonderful week :)


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