Feb 16, 2015

sitting on top of the world

it was a slow week. warm and fall like.
i waked to and from work with the sun on my back
easy breeze tugging at my hair
and sunglasses.

i had the weekend free.
it turned deliciously and refreshingly cold.
Daisy and i snuggled in handmade afghans
watching old westerns and fingerpicking an old guitar.

on sunday, i woke to homemade doughnuts.
mom's valentine gift to us.
after church
i put my pajamas back on 
and stuffed myself with her homemade mexican food.
stayed curled up in a dark, warm room until the evening
when i had to go back out.
the night ended with warm hamburgers 
and ice cream
despite the bitter cold.

awoke to a fresh dusting of snow outside my window.
the sun is trying to peep out 
and i am listening to old blues music.
the soulful, mad, haunting, tired kind.
but i am not tired.  i am ready for the week.
Daisy gets a haircut, i work many hours,
there is a bluegrass festival.
there is snow right now 
but nice days coming, too.
there is dusty wood and steel strings.
there is a mystery book and watercolor set.
there is happiness and adventures ready for me.


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Abigail! I love your list of simple, low tech and no tech pleasures. You mentioned things that I loved to do when I was a boy and a teenager such as spending most of the day in pajamas, watching old westerns, eating ice cream in winter and enjoying walking outdoors in the cold and freshly fallen snow.

Mrs. Shady makes afghans and we have them draped over our the family room sofa, love seat and chair. I can't help wondering how many girls your age have a framed picture of Hank Williams on their wall or even know who he was, and I spy your map of the USA off to the left there. You never cease to amaze me with the things that interest you.

Look at that cardinal picking through the snow for food. We can learn a lesson from the birds and animals around us, especially in winter when conditions are harsh and food becomes scarce. They go about their business, work hard and long and never complain. It is quite enough just to be alive.

I hope your week is off to a great start, dear friend Abigail. Please give Daisy a hug for me and I'll connect with you again soon!

Amy said...

Oh, your writing is amazing! And I made some heart shaped doughnuts last week, too. What a coincidence! ♥
Amy xx

Perfect Imperfections

charlotterigby said...

Those doughnuts are so cute!!

Lindsay Lane said...

Stunning photos again, and I love your poetic way of writing, it was as if I was there myself to experience it.
And those doughnuts ... yummy!

Johanna said...

Such a cute little bird!!!! Wonderful truly wonderful. <3

Lana said...

Mercy me. I do miss waking up to breakfast. Now I'm the one cooking the breakfast! I'm ready for the week ahead too. Lots of work and hopefully posting something on my blog. And digging into a photography book I bought before Christmas. I adore the Han Williams Sr. music sheet.

Diana Cloudlet said...

I’ve just found your blog and I’d like to say that I’m in love with it!
I like your posts and photos! Really amazing!

Diana Cloudlet


Rachel said...

Wonderful pictures!

Faye Caroline said...

Your days sound idyllic! I feel silly admitting that I didn't know you could make doughnuts, how cool! I love how the frame is hung a bit crooked.

Maria Victoria said...

beautiful images my dear. you got a new reader.
love, maria


Sarah said...

It sounds wonderful to be able to walk to work, in such nice weather. I miss being able to take daily walks and am looking forward to the longer daylight hours. I have always wanted to try home made doughnuts, those look especially delicious!

Lucy said...

These sound like such wonderfully spent days and you have such an ability of communicating them through your words and photography. What a lovely Valentine's Day surprise, all those doughnuts look just delicious and I wish you all the joy for these wonderful adventures you are having.

Bethany Carson said...

Your mother's homemade doughnuts look delicious! What a sweet treat for Valentine's Day!

Jessica Cangiano said...

Beautiful photos and sweet treats. I swear, the universe is trying to tell me to eat a doughnut. I've been craving them for days and they keep popping up in different posts in my feedreader (granted, when something is already on your mind, you see it more frequently, but still... :)). I might just have to follow your scrumptious lead and whip up a baked GF, EF batch for one of spring's holiday's this year (and/or for my birthday in the summer).

♥ Jessica

Hannah Batchelder said...

Really cool post. :) Your heart donuts were darling, and that room with the maps is extremely interesting! Did you mention that it was your room once? Well anyways, it looks like something off of pinterest. And who doesn't love a cardinal in the snow? Have you ever heard the Carolina Chocolate Drops version of the song Sitting on Top of the World? It's one of my favorite songs. :) Sorry I haven't been on lately, I've had a boatload of school, but I hope to get back into the swing of things soon!

Meg Kernaghan said...

Absolute perfect in a blog post! <3
What lens are you using might I ask? :)

Abigail said...

yes i have heard of their version. so good. i was just thinking of a general bluegrass song and meaning. thanks for stoppin' by, friend!

Abigail said...

oh thank you!
i don't change lenses because i don't have a dslr (hehe). i shoot with Canon SX50 hs which has a 50x zoom (or 4.3-215mm) which is how i got the bird and other various shots. thanks for stopping by!

Abigail said...

haha, the crooked frame was a total accident but i thought it looked sort of neat so i took a picture :)

Amy said...

old blues music..
the soulful, haunting, & mad kind.....
homemade doughnuts to chew...

sounds like a world made for me.


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