over thinking.
over analyzing.
getting my mind twisted up in knots.
but in some things;
"ok, that's fine"
and move on.
i need balance.
i spend the dark weekday evenings
wading my way through bunches of pictures and footage,
things i've collected on my camera
from my busy traveling weekends.
i have so much to share
but sometimes no words will come.
sometimes words are all i can think.
remember the thing above about balance?
i'm still workin' on that.
not just with creativity
but balancing life's sporadic busyness
and how to fill the days in between.
also, get a load of the below picture.
that's why i love this project :D
Sunday, November 9, 2014 |
Monday, November 10, 2014 |
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 |
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 |
Thursday, November 13, 2014 |
Friday, November 14, 2014 |
Saturday, November 15, 2014 |
Wow, that one was a beautiful week I think! The first shot is gorgeous, but I can't help favoring the very last shot. I love when you can only see a little sliver of light.
Hi, dear Abigail! Don't be overly concerned about maintaining balance. Sometimes I lose my writing muse and do nothing at all creatively for two or three weeks. I have found it best to simply go with it, remembering that it is a phase that will pass. All at once I find that my muse has returned and I immerse myself in writing and composition for days or weeks on end. One way of looking at it is that my life is out of balance one way or the other most of the time. A more resourceful way to frame it is that, over a year's time, I have spent roughly equal amounts of time in each state of mind, therefore achieving balance over that 12 month period. Ride the horse in the direction it is going. It is much more enjoyable that way.
The first sunset picture is indeed majestic. It seems to depict the moment of creation. The Monday, Wednesday and Thursday images are also beautiful beyond words.
Thank you very much for sharing these awe inspiring images with us, dear friend Abigail. Please give fur baby Daisy a hug and have a super week!
Love the first picture. Winter sunsets are the best don't you think? I've given up all pretense of trying to balance my life. There's no way to settle into any kind of routine with a 2 year old and a husband that drives a truck and is going 90% of the time. I've settled for just being happy with what I've accomplished in a day. LOL!
You captured some real beauties, Abigail! I like Sunday's best this week.
Beautiful post, sweet dear. I overthink most things a great deal as well. I've always been a worrier and the type for whom anxiety is an ever present companion on some fronts. Most days, as much as I wish I didn't, I wake up with a sense of worry/panic/fear/even dread about something or another or a million little things that are on my mind and/or that I hopefully should accomplish that day. I have gotten a bit better as the years have marched on with not swearing the small stuff, but I know that until my dying day, I will always be a bit of an over thinker.
There is, in a way, a silver lining to it though, because I believe that thinking so deeply can make one a very well attuned and conscientious person, who is apt to pick up things that others miss and to be very in tune with the emotions and states of mind (as well as desires, hope and fears) of those around them. So while it might be nice to turn off the over thinking part of my brain for a while, I wouldn't actually do so (were such possible) if it meant losing that benefit of being this way.
Big hugs & many sweet thanks for your wonderful comment on Sunday's post.
♥ Jessica
Love the photos :))
I've definitely been struggling to find a good balance lately. It seems just when you get comfortable, something happens to throw everything off. I tend to over think things too, but I am always trying to make my motto "G=go with the flow", when I manage to remember that, things get a lot easier!
Hey Abi,
I just wanted to tell you:
thanknyou. Your words on my blog mean so much to me. I have experienced much heartbreak lately, and I am myself, trying to find balance through all of it. As soon as I feel like I have got it right and that I am going straight, I teeter. To the right, to the left, forwards and backwards. I find myself overwhelmed most of the time. No one has ever really paid attention to my words, photos and feelings. I appreciate you and your thoughts more than you know.
Thanks again.
Han <3
that's great! i love your perspective on this :D
no, that's awesome. you go girl!
oh i do agree and see what your saying. that sounds awfully familiar, but i also like you point of view on it.
yes, i hear you. good mantra though :)
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