Oct 20, 2014


i am reveling in the month of October.
 crisp air and vivid colors...
the picturesque fall is finally coming into focus.

because of this
and the fact that i always feel so creative in fall
i have a lot of stuff to share.
i'm always seeing things that i have to make a photo of
always humming new songs
always reading
always typing
always painting or cooking or baking.
this week will find me
(as it did last week)
doing all those things and more.
because of this
i may be a bit behind of blog reading
but i'll catch up.

tell me
what are some of the things you are into right now?

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014


Shady Del Knight said...

Hello, dear Abigail! 37 weeks of sunsets - amazing! Soon it'll be a year. My jaw dropping favorites in this set are the ones at the end of the week, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday's sky looks to me like wisps of orange cotton candy being spun around a stick, perhaps at a county fair. Do you see it? Friday features a marvelous palette of lemon yellow, red, orange and blue. Saturday's sky contains pretty feathers of cirrus clouds stretching across the blue canvas. So very lovely and relaxing!

I love what you wrote in this post. Your creative juices are flowing. You find inspiration in anything and everything. You are truly alive. Make this feeling last the rest of your life, kiddo!

I want to thank you again for appreciating my blogging style. You seem to know me better and appreciate what I'm doing more than anyone. I think that's remarkable and I can't tell you how much it means to me!

Please give Daisy a smooch and a Milk Bone and have a wonderful week, dear friend Abigail!

Lyssa said...

Into: knitting, journaling, reading fiction, walking outside, wearing sweaters, making soups, watching cooking competitions, playing classical guitar, playing mandolin, listening to Postmodern Jukebox, listening to minimalist music by Philip Glass, preparing for NaNoWriMo, writing letters, visiting friends, drinking hot tea!

Faye Caroline said...

Friday just looks magical! I'm glad you've been enjoying and making the most of autumn! Right now I'm mostly into taking long walks through the countryside, making a mess in my sketchbook and writing my heart out into various things :)

Tessie Jayne said...

I'm finding out that the autumn and winter months are a lot more inspiring to me, too. Lately I've been knitting as much as possible before it gets too hot, and writing and drawing, and things like that. Saturday's picture is so ethereally beautiful!

Alberto Hugo Rojas said...

SOO BEAUTIFUL LACE.. LOVE YOUR PERFECT PICS VERY ROMANTICS http://albertohugorojas.blogspot.com.es/

Sarah said...

I have also found myself very inspired by this crisp, cool weather! I love taking walks in the evening as the sun sets and makes the brightly colored trees seem to glow. It's such a pretty time of year.

Michelle Brooks said...

I know what you mean, there are so many things that I want to do, so many things that I have to do and the day is not always long enough to fit everything in. This time of year I just like to sit and watch the leaves fall.
I'm drawn to that first photo, so minimalistic, mostly just heavy sky with a tiny slice of earth and it's fascinating flatness.

Lucy said...

I love Thursday, the clouds look like they are dividing the sky in half. Right now I'm into lounging in around in my pretty vintage nightgowns, picking up photography again with the boys camera and making plans to start achieving a long term goal.


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