Sep 14, 2014


 in the first few weeks of fall,
out weather is catapulted back and forth between blazing hot and near freezing,
dry, cloudless days,
and overcast days with the sky crying nonstop.
we had a rather dry spring and summer that was pretty clear,
and now i think we're catching up on the rain.
(you may have noticed a few, plain, gray sunset pictures)
i've been learning to appreciate the beauty of a sky without sun rays,
the texture and drama of overhanging clouds.
but otherwise, on the nice days,
my bedroom windows are open (they are now as i write this)
and the late summer bugs and birds chirp and tweet,
and it's almost like getting to live outside.

Sunday, September 7, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014


Lucy said...

Such changeable weather you are experiencing. It must be love though on those nights where you can leave the window open and it almost feels as though you are outside. I wonder, what are the storms like in Kansas?

Shady Del Knight said...

Hello, dear Abigail! Only a little over a week left until the arrival of fall and your sunsets tell the tale of summer on the run. I dare say there aren't many people who could look at a gray, overcast sky and appreciate it. Every phenomenon, meteorological or otherwise, has its purpose and you are wise to understand that.

My favorite pictures in this set are Monday's with its small fair weather cloud fragments dotting a fair sky, Tuesday's which reminds me of a great white shark swimming right to left with its jaws wide open, and Saturday's, an "oil painting" that no artist on earth would be capable of rendering with such splendor.

Please give sweet Daisy a kiss for me and have a great week, dear friend Abigail!

Bethany Carson said...

Looks like some pretty cloudy days, but the last photo is beautiful!

Jessica Cangiano said...

The electric tangerine slashes across the sky in the last photo are powerfully beautiful. They strike me as a calling card of sorts for autumn's return and the fact that no other hues is more iconic of the season than orange itself.

♥ Jessica

Sarah said...

So pretty :) Ahh having the windows open is such a great treat!

MegBird said...

"the texture and drama of overhanging clouds." Amen. Love that line.

This post makes me want to come sit in your room with you. Hope that's not weird. It probably is.

Erin C said...

Yep, that sounds like the weather here as well! I love the demure, gentle quality of the first picture and the gray skies of some of the later ones look all too familliar. :) I do so appreciate this project of yours for it's true reflection of each season.

Tessie Jayne said...

Wow! Your pictures even make gray skies look beautiful. Actually, I really like sunsets like this. It's almost always sunny where I live so I'm especially partial to cloudy days. The sunset for the thirteenth is my favorite out of them all; it almost looks like the orange was 'painted' on. And the paragraph at the beginning is very well-written, too. You use a lot of great metaphors and similes in your posts and combined with your pictures, it's almost like I'm right there with you experiencing it all.

Abigail said...

thanks for all the sweet comments, Lucy. storms come on fast here. they don't last to long, unless its a early spring or fall day where it rains softly nonstop. the sky is very open, and even if we are not having a storm, we can see the big clouds of storms across the state.

Abigail said...

thank you.
no, its not weird. that's what i do with friends :)

Abigail said...

thank you, TJ. appreciation for my photos and writing are always a great encouragement to me.


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