Sep 7, 2014


the sun's heat is still intense
but the air has grown cooler.
last month i was still outside riding my bike and taking pictures at 9:00,
now i can only be out a little past eight,
the darkness creeps in as the days get shorter.
there are not as many bugs to bother me 
and some birds are getting ready to leave.
there are a few yellow leaves on the apricot tree.
i just love the change of seasons,
especially into fall
(don't you?)

Sunday, August 31, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Saturday, September 6, 2014


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Abigail & Daisy! I certainly do love the change of seasons to autumn, especially now that I live here in Florida where summer is an endurance test. At this time of year the temperature still reaches the low to mid 90s in my town. I'm so over it!

When I look at this set of sunset pictures I can almost feel the changes taking place in your region. It looks as though the atmosphere is stabilizing, no longer conducive to the formation of towering thunderheads as it was in summer.

I hope you had a marvelous weekend, dear friend Abigail, and I wish you a great week ahead!

Bethany Carson said...

Fall is a beautiful season! I love to see the beautiful leaves on the trees. The only sad part for me is that it means winter will soon come (and that means down to -33 frigid for this redhead)!

Lucy said...

I really love the picture for Tuesday, with that tiny little moon up in the sky. It must be so beautiful to experience the change of seasons as such. I'm so glad that you appreciate it and see the beauty in it. Where I live, the climate and weather barely alters all year round. I'd truly love to experience a real Autumn one day.

Tessie Jayne said...

To me it's kind of saddening to know that summer really is drawing to a close. I definitely prefer autumn to summer, but it's dizzying how quickly it went by. I'm glad you're so positive about it, though. All these pretty pictures might be the only thing keeping me from slipping into an end-of-summer depression :).
The bright blue in the first photo is gorgeous, and I love the pinks and oranges in the following pictures. Not even the grays look drab. I hope you have a wonderful autumn!

Randi said...

Fall is by far my favorite season, with spring a close second. The grey skies, such as those, on Monday and Tuesday are part of the reason I love fall, but I have to say that my favorite sunset in the group is Wednesday's--- so beautiful.

Indy O'Hara said...

Ooo, loving Wednesday's! Love September so much...not only is it my birthday month, but it's so great to watch the season changeover! :)

Abigail said...

i agree. fall is awesome but i don't really like change, so leaving summer behind isn't fun. thanks for all the sweet comments and encouragement.

Abigail said...

i agree! summer into fall is so magical. and an early happy birthday :)


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